AECA Annual Awards
Every year we recognize individuals who embody the values of the organization.

AECA Outstanding Member Award
The AECA Outstanding Member award is presented annually. Outstanding members contribute to the cause of better childhood education and shows leadership in their local and state associations.
To download the Outstanding Member Nomination form click here.
The Kathy Stegall Emerging Leader Award
The Kathy Stegall Emerging Leader Award recognizes newer members of the organization who are already making a significant contribution to the Arkansas Early Childhood Association and to the field of early care and education and/or youth development in Arkansas and have demonstrated the potential for leadership and continuing service to the organization and to the field.
To download the full criteria click here.
Maggie Reynolds/Deltha Sharp Scholarship Award
The Arkansas Early Childhood Association awards up to two scholarships annually to its members. This scholarship will pay for a portion of an individual’s expenses to attend the Annual Southern Early Childhood Association Conference.
To download the form click here.
AECA Outstanding Board Member Award
The AECA Outstanding Board Member award is nominated by fellow board members. Outstanding board members contribute to the cause of better childhood education and show leadership in their position as a board member.
Affiliate of the Year Award
The Affiliate of the Year Award is given to an affiliate the AECA Board nominates as showing outstanding effort throughout the year to their local members in Arkansas.