#AECA2020 is moving forward and our conference will be held on Oct. 14-17 in North Little Rock. The theme is Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. We will focus on bringing our state together in unity to act in the best interest of children and families. The things that unite us as early childhood professionals are stronger than any differences that would threaten to divide us. We already have some keynotes lined up and believe it will be a tremendous event!

We invite you to submit a proposal to present at the conference. Proposals may be on any topic related to early care and education. We would love to see some proposals focused on how to build unity and strength among our organizations and creative ways to collaborate together.

If you are interested, go to our Conference website page and download the presenter outline form to complete. When ready, email the form to conference@arkansasearlychildhood.org no later than MONDAY, JUNE 8 at 5:00 PM. More details on the conference (including hotel reservations and a schedule) will be coming soon. Send an email to that conference address if you have any questions. We look forward to some awesome proposals this year!!!

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