Thursday – 10/21 – 8:30-10:00 – Keynote: Dr. Bridget Hamre
Sponsored by Conference Premier Partner UA EARLY CARE & EDUCATION PROJECTS

The Power of Interactions to Transform Lives
The last year and half have demonstrated just how important interactions among teachers and children are to ensuring each child has the supports they need to thrive. Decades of research demonstrate the value of these interactions and educators across the country have proven how to use CLASS as a tool to continuously improve interactions by supporting each educator on their own learning journey. In this presentation, Dr. Hamre will share new research on teacher-child interactions and provide practical strategies for making the most of each interaction in the classroom to enhance young children’s development and learning.

Dr. Bridget Hamre is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Teachstone. Dr. Hamre’s areas of expertise include student-teacher relationships and classroom processes that promote positive academic and social development for young children and she has authored over 65 peer-reviewed manuscripts on these topics over the last 15 years. Her research documents the ways in which teacher-child relationships and teachers’ social and instructional interactions support children’s development and learning and may help close the achievement gap for students at risk of school failure. Dr. Hamre is a co-author of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and, in partnership with Dr. Robert Pianta, led early work to scale the use of CLASS as an assessment and professional development tool across the country. Dr. Hamre received her bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley and her masters and doctorate in clinical and school psychology from the University of Virginia.

You can find out more about our conference, including how to register, on our dedicated conference page here.

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