In the January/February 1991 issue of Child Care Information Exchange, it’s editor, Roger Neugebauer, wrote and published the article β€œ12 Reasons People Love to Work for You.”  In it, Neugebauer focuses on the practices of directors at childcare centers where teacher turnover is low.  Based on his observations, he determined twelve practices you can implement to motivate people to remain in your employment.

REASON #7:  You set high standards.

In the very best centers I visit, the directors have an unflagging commitment to high performance. Even when crises seem to be breaking out all over, these directors do not allow these frustrations to serve as an excuse for letting up on quality.  Achieving high standards in a child care center is indeed a very imposing challenge. Pressure to maintain these standards can understandably put a heavy burden on all staff.  However, these frustrations are far outweighed by the feeling of pride that comes from working in a first class organization

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