Beginning today and airing over the course of this week, PBS NewsHour will broadcast “Raising the Future: America’s Child Care Dilemma,” a five-part series that takes an extensive look at America’s child care crisis. The struggle to find affordable, quality child care has always been one of the biggest issues for American families and Covid-19 only exacerbated the problem. This series examines the current state of the American child care system, its history, and the new movement for long-term reform in the post-Covid era.
Special Correspondent Cat Wise and producer Kate McMahon travel the country talking to parents, caregivers, experts and advocates who are familiar with the country’s child care system and explore the issues plaguing it such as workforce pay, access, quality, and affordability.
With support from the Pritzker Children’s Initiative and the Stein Early Childhood Development Fund at the California Community Foundation, the series provides compelling stories and viewpoints from communities in the country that are often left out of the national conversation when it comes to child care.
Today’s segment is described below:
The “scene setter” segment of the series examines America’s dramatically changed child care landscape as the country emerges from the pandemic and what’s at stake in this critical moment. Weaving together interviews with national experts, and compelling personal stories from families and providers in Oregon, the report goes beyond the headlines to reveal long-standing inequities and problems with America’s patchwork child care system. This segment also looks back at historical touchpoints that have impacted public policy and investment in early care and education for decades.
You can watch on your local PBS station or on their YouTube channel beginning at 5pm. Broadcasts can be watched on their website after the show ends. Find out more on the PBS website here:
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