What are you doing just for YOU? ☀️

If you want to feel:
⚡️connected with other early childhood professionals

…then we have just the thing! AECA has teamed up with Arkansas State University Childhood Services & The Yarn to offer another cohort opportunity for future storytellers! 📖

Our first cohort shared their stories of resilience, inspiration and love for early childhood. They made us smile, laugh and cry! You can hear their stories and find out more about the cohort process here.

🎤 We encourage you to take advantage of this next round to craft your own story, build your confidence, and rediscover your why! You will connect with fellow early childhood professionals for an inspiring summer experience and receive individualized storytelling coaching by Hilary Trudell, Master Storytelling Coach and Executive Producer of The Yarn.

🔑 We know that early childhood professionals are #keyplayers – it’s time to let everybody else know!

🗓 The cohort will meet as a group (time to be determined by the members) and with Hilary for individual coaching sessions in either the spring or summer. All sessions will be scheduled based on each storyteller’s availability.

Applications close on March 28th. Fill out the interest form here.

🫂 If you are not interested at this time but know someone who might be the perfect person to tell their story – please share this post with them. We appreciate you!

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