Child care providers seek state help

By Max Brantley, Arkansas Times Licensed child care centers that don’t receive state assistance sent out a call for help from the state today. In a news release, the Arkansas Early Childhood Association said about half the state’s 2,000 child care providers...

What does teamwork mean to Deborah?

Guest Blogger: Deborah Dow – River Valley Early Childhood Association President Willingness to Work Together Teamwork is the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common goal or aim. As we have adapted to the recent changes surrounding us, I...

What does teamwork mean to Dee?

Guest Blogger: Dee Cox – AECA VP of Membership Teamwork is about “us” not “me” When thinking about teamwork, Henry Ford’s quote, “Teamwork is coming together in the beginning, keeping together is a process and working together is success” describes my experience...

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