P – Love Does Play

β€œPlay is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” The beloved Fred Rogers summed up the value of play in this well-known quote. Unfortunately, it is becoming...

O – Love Does Outside

Sunshine – vitamin D and the immunity boost that comes with it  Exercise – lower BMI, lower stress, better sleep  Academic performance – more concentration, better classroom performance, higher standardized test scores, increased creativity...

N – Love Does Needs

Hangry. Most of us have experienced being Hangry – grumpy, or even angry and not sure why only to realize after a snack or a meal how much better we feel. And many of us probably know the brain fog that comes after pulling an all-nighter. We can barely think of...

M – Love Does Mistakes

Whether your kids are 2 or 22 (or anywhere in between!), they are going to make mistakes. And inevitably, as parents and teachers, we are going to mess up too. When our relationship with the children in our homes and classrooms is built on a foundation of love, we can...

L – Love Does the 5 Love Languages

Words of Affirmation.  Physical Touch.  Acts of Service.  Gifts.  Quality Time.  These are the 5 Love Languages, according to the popular book by Gary Chapman.  The basic premise behind the writing is that we have a preferred way or...

K – Love Does Kindness

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa Kindness is one of the most powerful forces for good in our world. It is all the different ways we express care, concern, and consideration for ourselves...

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