Have you registered for our conference yet? It is FREE to all AECA members and just $39 to non-members. By registering as a member, you not only get access to this month’s first conference speaker, Pete Key, but access to ALL our upcoming virtual sessions for the rest of this 2020-2021 season!
If you are already a member, please take a moment to check and update your information. We would hate for your renewal to be up on October 17th and you miss out on seeing Pete Key! Please make sure your membership account has an updated email address so you will receive the Zoom link and while you are there, please tick one of the check boxes to register which affiliate you are a member of.
If this sounds a little overwhelming right now, simply follow these 5 steps for success!

We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you on Saturday October 17th with Pete Key, and beyond!
Visit our Conference page. Visit our Membership Page. Join AECA today.
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