
Dear Child Care Provider,
Our early child care professionals work hard day in and day out to provide quality early childhood education to the children of Arkansas. Now we would like to take this opportunity to recognize them. If you know someone that is deserving of this recognition, please let us know. To nominate someone, complete the nomination form below and email it back to us. Let’s show our Early Child Care Professionals how special they are to us!
Arkansas Outstanding Early Childhood Professional Award (AOECP)
To be considered for this honor, nominees must meet the following eligibility and qualification requirements:
Meet minimum licensing requirements for childcare staff
Employed by an Arkansas licensed provider in good standing
Teacher of an early childhood classroom (birth – 4 years) for at least three years
Plans to remain in early childhood for 2021-2022
Willing to serve as an early childhood ambassador
Please submit nomination packets to letha.hassen@dhs.arkansas.gov no later than 5 pm on February 26, 2021.
Questionnaire form
Nomination packet
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