If you are an early childhood professional this is an unmissable opportunity to get your voice heard. We hope you had a chance last week to watch the PBS NewsHour series on child care in America last week. Each segment illustrated the critical need to invest in a child care system that meets the need of young children, working families, and integral early educators.
Decisions are being made on Capitol Hill right now that will determine whether Congress will pass a major investment in America’s child care and early learning system before a key window of opportunity closes at the end of this year.
We need to ensure lawmakers in Washington hear loud and clear that child care and early learning must be a top priority with significant, sustained funding in the upcoming reconciliation package. All across America, child care advocates are answering the call.
This is a make or break moment, and we need you to use your voice to #SolveChildCare!
We are challenging you to take an action a day, and our friends at First Five Years Fund have made it easy for you to meet the challenge.
🔊 TODAY: Invite a friend, family member, or coworker to take action. The more voices, the BETTER! Start by sharing this post so they know what to do!
📧 WEDNESDAY: Email your member(s) of Congress and ask them to pass legislation to invest in child care. Use this link to enter your information and send a pre-drafted email directly to your Members of Congress:
Or find your Senators’ and Representative’s contact information by clicking these links:
📞 THURSDAY: Call your member(s) of Congress. Click this link to enter your information and be connected via phone to your Member of Congress:
A script will appear after you’ve entered your information. You may also call your Member of Congress through the Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
🐦 FRIDAY: Tweet your member(s) of Congress! Look for the hashtag #SolveChildCare. Don’t have Twitter? Try calling again instead or share this post again on Facebook/Insta!
We hope you will STAND UP for early childhood and be part of the creation of CHANGE and HOPE for the future!
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