B – Love Does Big Feelings

“No!” “You can’t make me!” “I can’t do it!” “It’s never going to be ok!”  If these phrases sound familiar, you might have a young child in your life. Regulating emotions is a struggle for most young kids as they have yet to learn a constructive way to handle the...

A – Love Does Accountability

An anonymous quote says, “Children who aren’t held accountable for their choices grow up to be adults who believe they can do nothing wrong.”  As loving parents and teachers, we want our kids to grow up knowing that their choices matter, that their actions...

Love Does ABCs

Love. Lots of people are thinking and talking about love in the month of February. We might love our spouse, our parents, our best friend, our kids, and mashed potatoes – each one evoking different feelings and actions. As an early childhood educator, and a mom...

Kids Count Day at the Capitol 2023

We did it! We showed up and we clearly represented Arkansas children and families, programs and centers and our profession WELL! I want to share a few moments that I will not forget! Our day began in the beautiful Rotunda where we heard inspiring, motivating yet...

Valentine’s Day Advocacy

We hope that you had fun creating Valentines with your little ones and we are excited to share them at Kids Count Day at the Capitol tomorrow, February 14! If you missed the opportunity to send us Valentines, you can still participate via social media! ️❤️️ Ideas for...

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