Why People Love to Work for You – Reason #7

In the January/February 1991 issue of Child Care Information Exchange, it’s editor, Roger Neugebauer, wrote and published the article β€œ12 Reasons People Love to Work for You.”  In it, Neugebauer focuses on the practices of directors at childcare centers where...

We got you!

At our AECA board meeting this morning, we discussed with board members, affiliate presidents and other guests of AECA the importance of being a member at this time. We want to help you in any way we can, at any point in time, not just now when we know you have a LOT...

AECA Awards 2020

I know that it has been a trying time, and we all need some normalcy. It is that time of year when the Arkansas Early Childhood Association (AECA) solicits nominations for its Outstanding Member Award and the Kathy Stegall Emerging Leader Award. The criteria for both...

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