What does teamwork mean to Angela?

Guest Blogger: Angela Caldarera – North Central Affiliate President My positive experience with teamwork out of 25 years of service includes a variety of experiences. It’s hard to name just one. Every experience I can think of were times that situations seemed hard on...

What does teamwork mean to Gregg?

Guest Blogger: Gregg Cooper – AECA President What a mess we are in at this time. With COVID-19 running rampant, things are changing at a daily rate. Then, in my area of the state, a horrific tornado hit Jonesboro, the largest city up here, and did great damage....

Teaching through Covid-19

My new routine consists of making sure our students and families feel safe, encouraged and supported. Now that schools have closed in Arkansas, our focus has shifted on how we serve our families during this “new normal.” I see it as an opportunity to showcase a...

What does teamwork mean to Renee?

Guest Blogger: Renee Philpot – Board Member at Large Team work makes the dream work  There’s no I in Team  Together everyone achieves more.  Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.  Over...

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