On October 1st, the House passed an updated Heroes Act, which provided $50 billion for child care stabilization grants to providers and $7 billion in emergency funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG). While this is a positive development, Congress and the White House have not reached an agreement on overall relief spending, leaving millions of families and thousands of providers without any source of relief. Children, families, and early educators in child care programs cannot wait any longer. As seasons change and COVID-19 cases continue to surge, we need to ensure that programs have resources they need to weather the next several months until a vaccine is available. Children, families, child care providers, and their communities cannot.

The message: Congress: Prioritize COVID relief that includes at least $50B in dedicated funding for child care. That’s what families and their children want and need.
Call/Email the U.S. Senate and House: This document includes a script and instructions for calling U.S. Senate and House offices, and text that anyone could copy and paste into an email to your U.S. Senators and Representatives.
Will you please share this post with your colleagues, families and your personal contacts? We need as many people as possible to not only be aware of what is happening, but to TAKE ACTION also. Tag someone in the comments to encourage them to call or email today!

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